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FlyFF Online

Fly For Fun, commonly known as Flyff, is a free Korean MMORPG made by Aeonsoft, a subsidiary of GALA Incorporated. The game features a free-form flying system which allows players to fly around the landscape on brooms, boards, and Cash Shop items. When airborne, a player can also fight flying enemies. It also offers a player vs. player combat system which can be utilized anywhere with the duelling system, or in the arena, an enclosed space for free-for-all battles. There are 120 levels of progression, plus a further 60 after attaining "Mastery" and then a player can attain the "Hero" status. The game features a soundtrack composed by soundTeMP. Fly For Fun received an award for "Best Game of the Year" from South Korea's Ministry of Culture in June 2004.

Game Features:

From the creation of your account Flyff features an assortment of characters. You create the look and feel of your character and send him/her off to battle in 5 different towns and 3 different islands. Flyff offers more than 80 quests and numerous different beasts to battle to keep you engaged for hours.

If that's not enough, hold on to your hat and imagine thousands of players filling the sky as you now enter the world of MMORPG FLIGHT! That’s right; Flyff is the first Flying MMORPG in the world.

Still craving more….? You want to show everyone that you are the best of the best? Well, continue to level up through the 80 plus levels and earn enough Gpotato dollars to buy a board or a broom and fly to the PVP Island to battle thousands of other players.

Still want more….? Use your Gpotato dollars that you have earned or added to your account to buy items and recharge your character to make him/her more powerful in battle. And we all know power is the most important thing in this game, especially since there will be extensive expansions for Flyff with even more great worlds to explore and beasts to conquer.




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